Saturday, August 27, 2011

An exclusive swim club...

One of the most interesting aspects about our little town of Mayberry is the cost of the swimming pool. To obtain a pool membership it costs $400. When I first moved here I had to ask several times, because it was not computing. Surely, a membership at the very small town pool would not be $400. Wouldn't it make more sense for it to cost like a $1.50 or something each time a person wanted to swim? But no it's $400, and the other day a member of my church invited our family to the exclusive swim club and I was curious what you get for $400.

Well let me show you.
The sign. Alerting everyone that this is the Eastside Swim Club. An exclusive private swim club.

And here it is in all it's glory. 
But Eli & Emmy love. When we mention we're going swimming they spring into action, and then take off running down the sidewalk. (In true Mayberry like fashion the pool is about a one minute walk for us).

Eli is ready.

The end. (Notice the blue lips on Eli. This boy gets cold so easy).

The pool is fine I just think the cost is outrageous and the sign makes me laugh because at one point it may have been a private swim club, but these days it's just small town, run down, over priced pool.

On another note I think the cost of the pool is a justice issue, a small justice issue but one none-the-less. We live in a very small town. In the summer it's regularly over 100 degrees and the cost of the pool prohibits a large segment of the community from actually using, one of the only recreational activities in town. 


Jessica White said...

That's insane! We have a public pool (which I wish was private) that our tax dollars pay for, it's only open from the middle of June to the middle of August, but we have one!

That place looks like something from a horror flick lol As long as the kids have fun!

Anonymous said...

$400!?! That is so outrageous.

Private pools make me sad. Don't get me wrong, I grew up going to them, but after learning about all the history in the south and rules about who could go into pools... it just makes me sad. I agree with you, it is a justice issue.

Here in MN we have several pools per city and they are a reasonable $7 to get in once and I think $30 summer pass. Certainly fair. They are nice, newer and fun for everyone. There are also small wading pools in most of our public parks, which people use all the time, too (no lifeguard, though.) Obviously they were constructed before the 1980s, but they are great to soak your feet in :)

Glad the kids had fun at the expensive pool!

foxy said...

How bizarre. Now I am so curious to know where that money goes? who operates the pool? who sets the price? who makes the rules? Ultimately I am so curious to know if it would be possible to change things... Thats the part of me that gets me into trouble and too many commitments!!!

There are a lot of private pool/tennis clubs where I live and we grew up going with our friends who were members. It never occurred to me that there was a justice issue, but you and "creole wisdom' make a really good point about the fairness of it all.