Saturday, November 14, 2009

Today I'm thankful for my friends ...#4

I literally could not do the full time grad student/mom of twins thing without them. They were so helpful and supportive to both me and Marcus while I was on bedrest, and when the babies were in the NICU and now that the babies are here they have all been amazing.

They watch my babies for free (and actually fight over who gets to do so I have never had to miss a class since I have many backups), they follow my crazy, strict, hand-washing and sanitizing requests without blinking an eye, and they truly love my babies and I trust them all with the care of my babies. They also bring me food, stop by to visit, stay away when they're sick, offer to watch the babies so Marcus and I can go on dates, and are just really amazing incredible people. I am blessed. They are my grad school family (since our families live a few thousand miles away) and without them I could not have survived the last year (my pregnancy, bedrest, NICU, parenting preemie twins, being a student/intern combo).

The babies love to nap on D & his husband J, the babies pretty much napped on them the whole time we were in Cape Cod and they've offered to watch the babies for a day so marcus and I can go into the city sometime this winter.

Just some of my other friends at my baby shower.

I am blessed and so very thankful.


Christi said...

I could have wrote this myself, actually, I did :) Look at my day 4

Jessica White said...

Friends are definitely something to be thankful for :-)