Thursday, July 28, 2011


Since we've moved to Mayberry we've been blessed with an abundance of fresh, organic, fruits and vegetables. Almost on a daily basis we receive more from various members of my congregation. Not to mention our own fruit bearing trees in our back yard full of Peaches and Plums. Eli and Emerson get the biggest kick out of picking a plum off the tree and then getting to eat it. (Our peaches aren't ripe yet).

This is just a very small sampling of what has been shared with us. (Jess those small, yellow, round, things are the lemon drop cucumbers). 

We are literally surrounded by agriculture on all sides of us and I couldn't help but think about how blessed we are. Especially when compared to the devastation, poverty, conflict, and famine faced by those in the Horn of Africa. 

My heart has been heavy for those affected, and Somalia was actually the focus of my sermon last Sunday. Each day with Eli & Emerson we pray for our food and then lately we've been remembering all of those in Somalia and those who are hungry around the world.  I know that Eli & Emerson are too young to fully get what it is we're praying for but I hope as they get older, they will grow up with an awareness of the world around them.

Also in case anyone is looking at a way to aid those facing famine. Here's a link.  I'm a big fan and supporter of the United Methodist Committee on Relief (UMCOR). When disaster of any kind hits around the world UMCOR is among the first responders and 100% of the funds given for designated causes are used in those areas. It's a great organization and the link will provide you with all kinds of information about their work (if you're intersted). If not that's fine too it's just something that's been on my heart and mind this last week or so. 

1 comment:

Jessica White said...

I'v never seen anything like those! What do you do with them? Use them like a regular cucumber? I would love to have plum and peach trees. Our apples aren't doing too well due to the lack of rain.