Monday, December 10, 2012

Things my kids say...

I often write quotes of things my kids say on facebook but I figured maybe I should compile them into a different medium. In case facebook goes away or something.

Dec. 6th

~Eli accidentally stepped on my feet and Emerson's as he was walking by. He then said, "Sorry Ladies" haha I wonder where he learned that.

Dec. 1st

~I was talking to Eli & Emmy about advent in the car this morning.

Me: Do you guys know that tomorrow we start advent? Do you know what that means?

Eli: Yeah

Me: Okay what does it mean?

Emmy: It means a lot of work!

Haha I can't really say that she's wrong but we did talk about waiting for baby Jesus. Which sparked a conversation about who Jesus' parents are.

Nov. 29th

I just got Eli's bill from his visit to the ER. (It's a lot). Emerson said, "Don't be sad I'll just make you some soup." haha

Nov 28th

~Just listened to "O come All Ye Faithful" Emerson was silent the whole time and when it was over she said, "mama that's a really good song. It's a Christmas song?" I love her.

Nov. 23rd

~Emerson jut came into our room and said, "wake up and come downstairs it's Christmas." (Gram and Granddad are putting up their Christmas tree and I think she's a little confused haha).

Nov. 21st

~My California babies are screaming every time they walk outside, "It's too cold it's too cold!"

Nov. 10th

~Emmy's newest question, "Where's Obama's castle?" haha I think she's still trying to figure out who he is exactly.

Nov. 9th

~Emmy: I want to be 20 like you?

Me: Why?

Emmy: I just want to be 20 so I can drink soda pop.

(She also seems to think that the American Flag belongs to Obama after all the election coverage. She just said, "Obama's flag is so pretty.")

Nov. 4th

~I asked Emerson what it meant that I was a pastor. Her response, "You sing, pray, talk to Jesus, and work and work and work." Eli's addition was, "and you go night night" Overall pretty accurate.

Oct. 6th

~I might have the best 3 year olds in the world. First they behaved in the front row of a 3 hour Tongan Misinali service, after we left they both said, "That was fun!" Plus they got to see a real princess from Tonga. Then we immediately went to Open Circle the Young Adult worship service. Eli fell in love with gospel music and as we left they yelled, "bye church, bye music, thanks for the cake."

They behaved the entire time. Thank you Jesus long but good day! Let's hope they're still enthused about worship tomorrow morning.


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