Thursday, December 31, 2009

Eating Bananas...

Emerson has been showing signs of readiness in regards to food so at almost 8 months old we tried some bananas a few days ago. She loved every minute of it. She's funny she kept grabbing the spoon so she could try to feed herself.

She's eagerly waiting for the food.

She's got her spoon and bib, she's ready.


She smiled the entire time we were feeding her.

Eli, on the other hand was another story. Since he's been sick we waited a few days before trying food with him. Today he seems a lot better so we decided to test it out.



Are we done yet?

Looking at his dad for help.

Haha, it's so funny how differently they responded. Eli makes the same face when we put just the spoon in his mouth with nothing on it. He seemed relieved when we offered him the bottle. Crazy kid. 


JustaKidAtHeart said...

Have you tried feeding him the food off your finger? It may be the spoon he doesnt like. They are so cute and getting so big.

Jessica White said...

They're too cute!