Thursday, October 30, 2008

5 Weeks Today...

Nothing exciting to report at this point. I'm tired and I have random waves of nausea but that's about it. Oh, and now a few more people know about my pregnancy. My Therapist (his reaction was really great) since he knows our trouble, and it was nice to have someone to talk through some of the anxieties that I've been having. Nothing major just the normal early pregnancy fears.

My OBGYN also knows and it's funny because she emailed me about it. I guess my RE sent her my Beta results (the two of them worked together on the septum surgery) and she also conveyed her excitement for us and told me to make an appointment...

So I did I'll see my OB Nov 13, exactly two weeks from today. When the receptionist found out that we had gone through fertility treatments she wanted to get me in as soon as she could and before she hung up she said, "This is exciting news isn't it?" haha yes it really is. One week until our ultrasound.

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