Friday, August 13, 2010

Fun at the park...

This evening we walked to a park near our new home. Eli and Emerson were big fans. First we tried out the swings. 

They both loved it. Emerson kept giggling and laughing and they both just kept looking at each other. After the swings Marcus and I took them down the slide. Which was a huge fail as the slide was not really designed for adults and it was really slow. Then we did some crawling in a tunnel.

The funny part about this was it went up at an incline. So they would crawl, crawl, crawl almost get to the top and then slide back down on their stomachs. Emerson also thought this was hilarious.

It was a nice way to end our evening. The babies are so fun these days. They seem to understand us more, their personalities are coming out more and more each day. Best of all for an entire week they've gone to bed without any kind of a fuss!

(The pictures aren't the best because we only had Marcus' cell phone with us). 

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